You know what though, unovaborts, I'ma cut you some slack. There is a Pokemon from gen 5 that I genuinely like now that I've had crossed off from my list of centuries now.
And that is Kyurem. I fucking can't stand its shit tier fused forms, just like how I don't really care for Zygardes non 50% forms, but this form of Kyurem? I admit, I like it. Looks good t b h.
>>40111422What from gen 6 is objectively bad? I can only think of a handful. Diggersby, don't really care for Pangoro either but it's still better than the gen 5 bear, aromatisse is shit.
What else?
>>40111435I'd be lying if I said I didn't cringe hard while reading this shit.
That's that classic unovabortion meltdown I look for right there lmao