Planning this out for yourself and then effectively being able to breed countless perfect pokemon might go better if you understand how IV's are determined uppon a newbreed:
>1st the IV's are randomized for each newborn>2nd at random 1 of the values of each of the parents are passed down>exception 1: If one of said parents hold destiny knot theres a good chance that 5 random values get passed down>exception 2: If one of the parent uses a power item that corresponds to one of its maxed stats theres a 100% chance that that specific stat will be maxed on the newbornUsing you can get a mindset and a mental aid to how long it might take to get what IV's you want. It'll also show you additional chances for getting breeds with lower IV's
When you're busy with your first effort on getting a perfect pokemon you might get a difficult experience out of it. But once you get your first one, and it's male, you may be able to use it to breed more perfect pokemon. Just keep an eye on those egg groups.