Alright, I took a little break, then finished up the post-game. Pretty excited to move onto Yellow, since the first 3 games essentially have no differences with randomizer on.
>>54919695I mean, I had a Mewtwo in my Red run and was completely safe with him. Only lost one Pokemon to a OHKO. Outside of randomizer, certain starters like Swampert in gen 3 or Infernape in gen 4 are just bread and butter.
>>54920085I love this setup you got, man. Lots of soul here.
>>54920898Just noticed the descriptor for Luna's death lol. I can just feel the hate.
>>54922790Congrats. Wallace absolutely is an interesting champ.
I have to agree with Geodude too. I love that line so much. Especially in gen 2.
>>54923498It literally only saves time. I'm with him desu. I have better things to do than grind battles for hours. Don't put so many restrictions on your own hobbies, especially something as unimportant as video games.
>>54923524My heart would have exploded hahaha! That's awesome.