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BW's thing was having nothing but new Pokemon.
With so many, they wanted players to encounter new Pokemon in every route and area.
Not just new as in part of the new generation, but never encountered in the game itself until that point. Every area you go to has to have its own unique Pokemon.
"But the late-game." The new exp system ensured that everything also had to have appropriate level scaling to give exp worth a shit, and any of your Pokemon that were low level wouldn't stay that way for long. What's the point of encountering a new prevo if it'll just instantly evolve? Wouldn't that defeat the point of showing it off in the first place?
So they adjusted evolution levels based on when the Pokemon showed up, to guarantee it would stay with the player for a while before evolving. Deino never appeared until fucking Victory Road, so it had the most extreme evo levels.
No, Game Freak did not consider how permanently shoehorning the evo levels of Pokemon for a single game would have horrible long-term consequences.
>TL;DR, they based evo levels on when the Pokemon originally showed up and are too retarded to just retcon it for newer games.