>>21046268>What are you hunting?Cresselia on White 2, technically MMing for Treecko since I’m using them to complete the Pokedex through GTS on Y.
>How long now?Cresselia just started last night after finally catching pic-related after ~4,400 SRs. At ~300 for Cresselia now. I think three boxes for Treecko? They’re all being sent out so I haven’t kept track of it.
>Favorite Shiny?Anything pink or blue or both. Virizion, Ampharos, Reuniclus, and Politoed have always been dreams of mine.
>What are you most looking forward to in OR/AS?Seeing Team Aqua.
>What feature, character, or Mega are you hoping for in OR/AS?A post-game as good as Black2/White2. And for the shard tutors to come back.
Despite not being much of a fan of megas, mega-flygon would be interesting and I hope it’s included.