>>54233137I'm a late millennial so I just barely catch the early original Pokemon and all those other thing but i do remember the big controversy pokemon created. I somewhat remember a tons of parents who were boycotting the show with all the usual pearl clutching and boomerism. I can't images the shit storm a "unfiltered" pokemon have created and moral panic it would create. Plus, I don't think a lot of kids would like a grim pokemon and the whole whipping your Pokemon thing.
>>54233145That reminds me of a manga /a/ recommended. It was some old manga from the 70's about some early japan myths about a Phoenix that had a massively bad case of tonal whiplash. For explainable on one page is child friendly looney toons type gag while on the next is a village of men woman, and children being massacred on screen.
>>54234580>>54235647Don't even get me started