my team, going to fight the fighting team star leader
funny story about my playthrough
>want to evolve bisharp>remember sandwiches can boost encounters>read sandwich recipes online in order to make dark-encounter sandwiches to boost bisharp encounter rate>fuck up the first one and get flying encounter rate boost instead>scythers and altarias fucking everywhere>try again>do the recipe again but even more exaggerated>put 16 eggs and 16 smoked fillets on bread since i heard both ingredients boost dark encounters>get fucking flying encounter boost again>even more scythers and altarias, no wild bisharps whatsoever>party and team now have the friendship boost because i kept feeding them crappy sandwiches, destroying the last ounce of difficulty i was setting for myself>give up, restart the game to remove encounter buffs, and finally evolve bisharp, but the damage has been done>>52228045they're really great earlygame, fall off a bit lategame but still useful