>>41795644Chimchar is obviously based on the chimpanzee. Chimpanzees are some of our closest relatives and are insanely smart. Similar to gorillas they can be taught sign language, however they go even farther. Chimpanzees are known to use tools and are currently stated to be in their own stone age! Chimps are also noted to have actually gone to war with one another similar to how humans would. In africa a group of chimps became nocturnal to avoid human hunters too and they do hunt creatures for meat and excell at it. One note about chimp strength, even though chimps are naturally strong this is because their brains don't limit their strength like ours does to us. This is to prolongue the bodies ability to do things however adrenaline over rides this! So if you ever have adrenaline and u pick up a car to get someone out from under it, that's how strong you would be if your brain didn't limit your strength! Our skulls are also different from apes due to us adapting to have less muscle by the sides of our skulls so our brain would have more room to grow!