Hey /vp/, it's Glaceon again. I was going to do a giveaway for which ever pokemon won on here:
http://strawpoll.me/2308392/ but I decided to postpone that since Lopunny gave me a Ditto! I'll be doing the giveaway for what ever wins that straw poll later if I can. Anyways, please don't trade these dittos where ever hacked mons aren't allowed obviously. Ditto is KB, region is japan, 6iv, shiny, and naive with Imposter in a dive ball with all ribbons! I have 120 dittos to giveaway, so first come first served!
>Give me your ign, no fc needed>Put up a Luvdisc on gts>Change your gts message to "/vp/ Ditto!">Change the pokemon you're looking for to a level 91-100 ditto>Enjoy ditto!Ill try to go in the order of who ever replies to the thread, please don't repost your luvdisc unless you were sniped or I couldnt find you. It helps if you put your luvdisc up Before you reply to the thread too, makes the giveaway a bit faster.