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While many are aware of how Lugia used to sometimes get Water-type cards (in fact, if I'm not mistaken, the last Water-type Lugia is more recent than the last Psychic-type Lugia), there have been some other type oddities in the TCG:
>Beedrill as a Flying-type
In the TCG, Fighting resistance is generally exclusive to Flying-types (referencing their immunity to Ground in the game) and Ghost-types (referencing Fighting immunity), however Beedrill had Fighting resistance from the beginning all the way until the eCard era.
>Venomoth as a Flying-type
Just like Beedrill, Venomoth used to have a Fighting resistance, except it lasted all the way until HGSS. While you might argue that it was referencing Bug/Poison having a quadruple resistance to Fighting in the games, pic related shows Janine's Beedrill, Venomoth, and Ariados all from the same set and only the first 2 have Fighting resistance.
>Dratini and Dragonair as Normal-type
The oldest Dratini and Dragonair shared Colorless normies' trait of Psychic resistance (alluding to Normal's Ghost immunity).
>every Gen 1-3 dragon minus Kingdra as Flying-type
When the TCG began treating Dragon as a thing in EX Dragon (i.e. dragons gained a weakness to Colorless), every single Colorless dragon had a Fighting resistance for some reason, which lasted all throughout the old EX era IIRC.
>Seel as an Ice-type
During DP era, Seel gained a Metal weakness and kept it until SM.