>Design documents have the japs noting that "the French and for that matter Europeans and Americans are far more obese than us Japanese">They are so obese that being near each other is uncomfortable>The design document also notes how they wanted to make a whole town in XY that was just nogs, arabs and other mutts, funnier still is that the design documments refer to blacks as "negros">You have entire design documents were japs are full on seething at the French and projecting (to some extent, I mean France is a shithole but Japan is not much better) how much better Japan is>They make an example of Japan being better because "we have trash cans everywhere" and "the (((French))) only care about money while we the based the based and very virtuous, awesome and perfect Japanese don't" >As it turns out sad documents were all written by MASUDA HIMSELFHAHAHAHAHAHA.....this whole fucking leak dude, holy fuck shit.
Depressing that the jannies started to go full on yurishit spam and killed the thread.
I guess it's finally time to finish Peridot.
>>56678586Apparently the alien stuff was actually a really elaborate hoax, XY insider got so much stuff right combined with some strange findings in the leaked builds that also got mixed in by some fairly convincing hoaxes, it was a perfect shitstorm, everyone thought the aliens were real, including me, I'm fairly said I got baited but it was fucking hilarious to witness.