Pokédoko is a weekly Pokémon variety show starring Abareru-kun, Ryogo Matsumaru, Hikaru Takahashi and Shoko Nakagawa
>A Pokémon Card Game Class That's Easy to Understand Even for Beginners, Hosted by Instructor Zinnia (?!)! / Searching for Pokémon Cards in the Same Setting as Pokémon SV: At a School!!Today's guests: Boy band member Toshiya Miyata, comedian Kanade and comedian duo Elf
Stream at:
https://ok.ru/videoembed/4811368177268http://www.elahmad.com/tv/video-player.php?url=http://redlabmcdn.s.llnwi.net/nv02/ryowa6hd/playlist.m3u8 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtYMM0zS7Cs >A Pokémon Card Game class that's easy to understand even for beginners, hosted by instructor Zinnia (?!)! Even Hikaru Takahashi finally makes the momentous decision to have her first Pokémon Card battle!! However, it's interrupted by the Star Gang?! Hash-taag! >Summary:>Everyone searches for Pokémon cards in the same setting as Pokémon SV: At a school!! Miyata from Kis-My-Ft2 becomes a basketball player to clear a challenge and receive a hint! He also swings just like Wanival when showing off his specialty, dancing! And he'll even talk about the Johnny's Pokémon Card Game Club?!