>>57110538>>57112115 Continued>Are you using a GCT? When should I pop the double shard incenses?I'll be using one since greater Snorlax strength gains directly correlate to higher Drowsy Power, and therefore more Dream Shards earned through rarer sleep styles observed.
GCT will give +1 Pokémon encounter, popping a Pokémon incense will also give some additional Dream Shards, consider popping some junk incenses like Graveler or Raticate, you can use them at Greengrass.
You also have a small chance of getting Raikou (Snoozing), Entei (Snoozing), and Suicune (Slumbering) encounters at Greengrass once you surpass Master 9 with 40 million Drowsy Power.
For 2 star legendary sleep, you need Master 13 and 115m DP.
3 star needs Master 19 and 243m DP.
>When should I use the GCT to maximize the days of usage?Have a slightly later than normal bed time on Sunday, and activate your GCT right before you start sleep tracking.
On the following Sunday, make sure to sleep track before the GCT runs out, and you'll get 8 nights sleep worth of GCT benefits.
E.g. activate at 12:30am and take Sunday's last sleep at 12:15am, or 12:29am if you're daring.
Also, when you arrive at GG on Monday morning, and your two randomly rolled favourite berries or meal reference are no good, remember that you can use an E-Zzz Travel Ticket to reroll Greengrass.
I only have the one good Walrein, so I need good accompanying rolls like Electric, Grass, Fire, Water, Ghost, as these are my better picks. I was considering going with a Dream Shard Magnet farming team though, buuut the payout is probably going to be weaker than rushing to Master 20, since I've accomplished it before during a previous legendary event with 60% area bonus and GCT. I currently have 70% at GG.