Quoted By:
>Hatching eggs because no one wants to battle
>Suddenly a battle request
>Haul ass to nearest pc and pull out team
>Send battle invite
>He accepts
>Heart starts racing as I know whats going to happen
>His team consists of Yveltal, three mewtwo, a charizard, and a garchomp
>My team consists of Ninjask, Gardevoir, Chansey, Mawile, Escavelier, and Scizor
>Hear him over voice chat calling me a faggot noob
>Play along with him
>Make obviously stupid moves and let him get me down to Mawile
>Mega evolve Mawile
>Outspeed his garchomp, charizard X, and Yveltal with Rough Play
>He calls me a cheater
>"Oh, friend, I do not cheat, i'm just better than you."
>Sucker Punch all three of his mewtwo for the OHKO
>Obscenities blare through the speakers on my 3DS XL
>He demands a rematch
>I oblige
>I only keep Mawile in my party
>Swept his entire team without getting hit once
>Hear a thud sound and see disconnection
Good times. I love you Mollie, you're the best Mawile i've ever battled with