First time I got through Trainer Gavi deathless! Not like it was easy or anything but I'll take it. First time using Delcatty, I think Skitties have a 100% chance of holding a Moon Stone so it's actually very powerful early-game. I don't have the highest hopes for Brawly but we're hanging in there.
>>54485990Damn, I was hoping you'd at least bless us with some edgy death art. First runs are always the hardest.
>>54487885Personally I count both of those as the Celadon encounter so I have to pick between Eevee vs. Game Corner.
>>54489014Really cool team! I feel like I'm missing the name joke with YouTube Studio.
>>54492461You could always go species clause.
>>54491184That's way cooler than mashing random letters on super fast mode.