that might have been one of the worst fucking gauntlets i've ever had the displeasure to do shit in
>video is 30 minutes longyeah no, not uploading all that
all it consisted of was leech seed medulla pararoserade and absorbing heart kyurem white and swapping between the two as necessary depending on the bullshit set being used and slowly healing my team between fights
i eventually lost control around the sailorfag/third trainer when they started pulling out toxic bulky grassfaggots that could poison roserade and could not get oneshot by rayquaza/kyurem. the damage ranges are much more unforgiving at this level especially without gp or card bonuses kek
i'll upload the last battle, since fug barely managed to clutch it out barely and i thought it was cool>>56814298that is very true and i was actually thinking about that. well, what's done is done
when i said 'worst was saved for last' i was actually talking more about these shitty fusion stone fights though kek. but yeah, doing babel after prism i think is a...not great call, but better than the alternative lol