With the four mid-game gyms taken care of we're now facing the end game of Johto! The gyms were thankfully easy enough to get through, Zamanta mostly sweeping through Morty, Toga Party (as an Exeggcute) mostly taking out Chuck with some help from Zamanta, Cuntegory and Toga Party dealing with Jasmine and Tex-Mex taking down Pryce all on his own
I've managed to get the Fire Stone for Sparkle (thanks to the DST switching technique), but I want to grind him to level 50 before using it to get Flamethrower, only having Flame Wheel just feels sad and Fire Blast has shaky accuracy and low PP for a main stab move
>>57396361Yeah, not getting Psychic naturally is a little lame, on top of not getting any Grass moves naturally at all, but Leech Seed alone has more than made up for it honestly, on top of having access to Sleep Powder now