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The 'PokeMarket' is completely, irrevocably fucked and there's no complete solution in sight. The 'new' cloning technique cannot be forcibly patched like the GTS because you do not need to be online to do it and 'hardcore' cloners can use 3 3DS's to clone on and use the third to online-trade with.
How do you feel about this topsy-turvy market, /vp/? Do you care if there's tons of clones running around that the game can't identify as 'hacked'? Are cloners megajews that hoard or is this a chance for a lot of people to get rare pokemon for a shitty return to the cloner?
Personally, I'm a bit alright with it. The only way I used to be able to get event Poke was having kids from forums that didn't know any better trade them to me for hacked shit or shinies and I always kind of felt bad about that.