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I remember being mostly happy I could evolve a bunch of shitmons. I liked Diamond version. I got pic related when I got the game, and my friend got a misprinted blue Palkia (or so he said). I remember being heavily involved in leak searching at the time though, looking online on Japanese sites for sources, and I remember when the whole dex got posted to Serebii, and it blew my mind. I later found a magazine that had shitty original drawings of all the new Pokemon, with their Japanese names (with bad romanization).
My friends and I ended up getting Action Replays for Diamond and Pearl, so when we went to summer camp, we’d create crazy ubers teams and do 2v2 battling. I learned a lot about competitive battling there, so that when Battle Revolution came out, I became a fiend for (non ubers) wifi battling.
The only thing I really disliked about Sinnoh was adding MORE HMs to the mix. I was pissed about Defog because only my Prinplup could learn it, and I think I had to get rid of a move I liked for it. I have pretty good memories of gen 4.