>>27153443Moving on, nothing is more striking or continually visible regarding beauty and health and self-care than the characteristics of the teeth, and the manner in which they display themselves. Only when it opens, the teeth are of foremost importance to the face, to which they add a significant element of admiration or horror, of sympathy or repugnance. Placing bad teeth on even a Helen of Troy would render her a ghastly sight.
Conspicuously short and small teeth are certain signs of weakness and pusillanimity, a feature that is usually associated with so-called "gap-teeth" in which there are ugly gaps between the teeth. When the teeth are small, and very weak in being able to perform chewing, and especially if they are short and few in number, they will show the person to be of a weak constitution, and they, partially as a direct result of this, denote them to be of a meek disposition, faithful, honest, loyal, and secret in whatsoever he is entrusted with (once again corresponding to Greninja’s relationship to Ash in the anime). It is always the sign of early decay of the adult teeth before they have sprouted and taken the place of the baby teeth.
Crowded teeth are the outcome of disharmonies in inheritance of teeth and jaw from genetically disparate parents, and often are linked to or caused by the above issues with the teeth, mouth, and jaw. There may be malocclusion in all these cases and acute rheumatic fever may arise from it. It may also represent or correspond to the rise of prostate trouble, or even breast and uterus issues, based upon data which correlates this condition of the teeth with a far heightened probability of either of these conditions whether they are male or female. Science has yet to find the cause or root of both of these problems, and whether they are directly connected or merely joined at the root.
Pic related shows how Greninja’s teeth is a synthesis of abnormal conditions, all compared to normal and healthy teeth.