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What if we counted Pokémon with more than one abilities as more than one Pokémon when dividing them into tiers like we do with pokemon with different forms?
Ok, I know that we would never actually make a stable meta game this way since we would be looking at well over 1300 different pokemon to categorize, but stay with me on this. There are a lot of pokemon with multiple abilities that only ever use one of them for their sets, so the less used abilities would be able to be used in lower tiers.
For example, Blaziken is confined to ubers because of Speed Boost, but If we counted Speed boost Blaziken and Blaze Blaziken as different pokemon, then Blaze would fall down into the OU or even the UU. This would make huge changes how the meta game of every tier below ubers works and allows for so much more team diversity. A few pokemon that could inter lower tiers would include; Flame Body Talonflame, Effect Spore Breloom, and Anticipation Toxicroke.