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Slowbro is a great defensive answer to Landorus-T by virtue of its high Defense, which means it can take hits well and retaliate with Scald or Ice Beam, although it dislikes taking a Toxic. Other bulky Water-types such as Rotom-W and Gastrodon can usually take a hit and threaten Landorus-T with their super effective STAB moves, but they struggle against Swords Dance sets and dislike Toxic as well. Offensive Water-types like Urshifu-R, Barraskewda, and Choice Scarf Tapu Fini can easily revenge kill Landorus-T. Urshifu-R is notably good at taking down Substitute variants thanks to Surging Strikes.
Thanks to their typing and excellent defensive stats, both Corviknight and Skarmory take very little from Landorus-T's attacks and are immune to Toxic. Corviknight can clear Stealth Rock with Defog, use Brave Bird to chip away at Landorus-T, or use U-turn to pivot out into a teammate. Skarmory can set up its own entry hazards, threaten Landorus-T with Toxic, or use Iron Defense to make tanking hits easier and be one of the best counters to Swords Dance sets.
Tangrowth can easily wall Landorus-T due to its typing and good Defense; Ferrothorn can also take a hit from Landorus-T, although it struggles against Swords Dance variants. They can both use Knock Off or wear down Landorus-T with their STAB moves and Leech Seed. Rillaboom can revenge kill offensive Landorus-T with Grassy Glide and also summon Grassy Terrain to lower Earthquake's damage, but it dislikes switching into U-turn or Toxic from other sets.
Landorus-T's mediocre special bulk means it can easily be KOed by special attackers such as Tapu Lele, Dragapult, and Latios.
Ice-types such as Kyurem and Weavile can outspeed non-Choice Scarf Landorus-T and easily OHKO it. Ice-type coverage like Ice Beam from Nidoking and Galarian Slowking is also problematic for Landorus-T.