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>Mr. Nagashima: Eternatus VMAX is a mammoth presence in the original story. We chose to represent that in the TCG by giving it an HP of 340, which is the largest HP to date. Additionally, Eternatus was meant from the beginning of the series to have major implications for the metagame, so we designed this series so that it would also create a big splash in the TCG game environment. Naturally, in addition to the card data, we considered how it would connect to other Pokémon and the tactical options it would create.
>At Creatures, we have a team of TCG playtesters who play the game throughout the day to gather as much data as they can on how a card performs. Their role is to check the playability of the new cards and game mechanics, while making sure that the game stays balanced after releasing a new expansion. The playtesters need to anticipate the strategies that competitive TCG players will choose once the new cards are introduced to the public, and how these cards will interact with the ones from previous sets. Some modifications that might be requested based on testing are reducing or increasing HP and damage. The creative team works in close communication with testers, using their feedback to help achieve the kind of game we hope to create.