>>56430423Fought Whitney early this Friday.
I got the Sun Stone from the Bug-Catching contest. Also got the first loss of the run in the form of Muscle the Machop, who went down to PokéFan William's Raichu. I stayed in, expecting to be able to deal some damage while soaking a Thundershock... and it had Thunderbolt, which got an easy oneshot.
>Vs Whitney>Drowzee 20 vs ClefairyHypnosis puts it to sleep, allowing Anton in for free, and he takes it out with three Fury Cutters in a row.
>MiltankStomp does almost half to Anton. Fury Cutter does even more in return, but does not get the KO. Hard to tell if the Stomp was a high or low roll, I decide not to risk anything and swap Rocky in.
Rocky comes in on a Stomp.
Miltank then Milk Drinks, and Rocky's Headbutt fails to impress.
Miltank stomps and then Rollout as Rocky screeches twice.
Rollout misses, and Rocky does huge damage with Rock Throw.
Miltank then Drinks some more Milk as I have Rocky Screech again(I expected the Milk Drink).
Miltank then begins another Rollout, but falls to Rock Throw.