>>43237966>reasonable amount of representation and continued supportExactly.
I liked it on pokemon that were decent to begin with, but needed the buff (Swampert, sceptile, sableye, medicham, scizor) or as a way of buffing shitmons without evolving them (mawile, absol, lopunny, pidgeot), but they were handed out based on favoritism, not on existing prowess.
Hence, we ended up with 2 mega charizards,2 mega mewtwos, and mega fug, and many others along that line. I was hoping gen 7 would balance it out by nerfing their stats and abilities and try to make more megas usable, while introducing more megas for existing shitmons. But the gimmick was mostly abandoned for something flashier, and that became the trend.
Additionally, I hated the whole "chosen one" bullshit they were going for in XY, and how barely any trainers used the generational gimmick, I'm glad it didn't stay that way in the games that followed.
>>43237981I understand that, but I would prefer it like