>>12230176These are actually pretty horrible reasons to pick those Pokemon
>SnivyThe only similarity it has to Yoshi is its base colour. He wouldn't even be able to ride it...
>ZigzagoonDid you even consider that Sentret's tail is exactly the same as the Tanooki?
>CharmeleonBy saying that, it means that any fire Pokemon are viable. Why Charmeleon?
>TorkoalI could see Mario actually jumping on it the first time he sees it. That being said, he has teamed up with various 'good' Koopa Troopers before, so I'll let it slide
>Pikachu because NintendoSamus has a Pikachu because Nintendo. Marth has Pikachu because Nintendo. okay.jpg
>AmoongussThe only Pokemon in the list that I can fully agree with