Quoted By:
I remember very well those places:
Bulbasaur - Viridian forest
Charmander - Kanto's victory road
Squirtle - Seafom islands
Chikorita - National park
Cindaquil - Route south to Blackthorn town
Totodile - Sea between Olivine and Cianwood
Treecko - Petalburg woods
Torchic - Jagged pass
Mudkip - That river between Oldale and Cycling road
Chespin - Road before Parfum Palace
Fennekin - Desert between Coumarine and Lumiose
Froakie - Swamp before Snowbelle
Rowlet - That cementery before Lele's Den
Litten - Wela volcano park
Popplio - Hau'oli's sea
No idea where are those;
Turtwig - Lake valor
Chimchar - Outside Stark mountain
Piplup - Acuity lakefront
Snivy - Abundant shrine
Tepig - Outside Revelsal mountain
Oshawott - Route 18 (sea aside route 1)
Grookie - Dappled Grove (early forest in wild area)
Scorbunny - Ruins before Circhester
Sobble - Slumbering weald