>>28610030Wears check shirts and has a shit beard but actually a nice guy
>>28610054Drinks bourbon and actually likes the taste
>>28610068Petit and avid twink
>>28610086Fan of WWE who thinks they're a manly man but is actually a slightly overweight nerd
>>28610182Uses deviantart and thinks they're better at guitar than they are
>>28610188Works full time and doesn't get much time for pokemon these days, enjoys simple home cooking and walks in the outdoors on their days off
>>28610194Shares memes on Facebook
>>28610205Once wore a peaked cap backwards
>>28610209Secretly hates their computer science degree but won't tell their friends
>>28610220Hasn't showered in a week
>>28610225Favourite ice cream flavour is raspberry ripple
>>28610263Owns a tee-shirt with a picture of Rotom-w on it Secretly homophobic
>>28610274Always supports the sports ball team that's currently second from top of the league
>>28610308Wants to get past their shit posting days but just can't go on
>>28610333Hasn't played a pokemon game since emerald
>>28610395Fan of H. P. Lovecraft
>>28610444Enlightened gentleman
>>28610484Tastes his own semen
>>28610507Drinks long island iced teas
>>28610521First game was gen 4
>>28610532Favourite video game is tekken 4
>>28610534Drinks tea with no milk
>>28610484>>28610555Suffers from mild anxiety and enjoys Western movies, is a nice person
>>28610559Plays Japan in age of empires II
>>28610562This person doesn't exist
>>28610574Watches Dickinson's real deal
>>28610648Mommy issues
>>28610685Posts pictures of his girlfriend's reddened ass on fetlife
>>28610780Favourite movie is Shawshank redemption
>>28610850Listened to a smiths album once
>>28610907A man of superior taste and wealth
>>28610925Always there for his friends