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Oh cool, a thread. Guy who made some rock cards yesterday, I gave some thought into how the cards might be designed.
Electric (thunder)
-Strategy: glass cannon, anti-swarming, stunning
Rock (rock)
-strategy: walling, atk/def reversal, banishing monsters from grave to activate effects
Water (fish/sea-serpent/aqua)
-strategy: quite varied but mostly swarming with monsters that become bulky together or bringing out powerful monsters while trying to mantain presence with the weakest monsters out there
Ground (beast, beast-warrior)
-Strategy: high atk beaters that have immunities, can 'dig' past your opponent to attack directly
Dark (fiend/spellcaster)
-Strategy: general dickery: discarding your opponent's hand, bounce effects, stealing your opponents monsters and equip spells
Fairy (fairy/spellcaster)
-Strategy: low atk monsters with healing effects, anti-burn, effs that destroy high-atk monsters
Dragon (reptile/dragon)
-Strategy: focused on summoning some of the most powerful monsters out there but requires time to set up, is slow at first but once it gets going is hard to stop
Steel (machine)
-Strategy: ultimate stall, highest def of them all
Bug (insect)
:-Strategy: quick swarming but relatively low atk/def monsters
Psychic (psychic)
-Strategy: mindgames with mind-crush style cards and luck manipulation, teleportation