>What I feel is Gamefreaks greatest injustice with Pokemon. >With this recent controversy around the exclusion of the national dex into pokemon sword and shield I thought I'd try to bring up discussion about what I've always seen as the worst aspect of the series, the selling of two games that are essentially the same thing. Recently I've been thinking about how predatory this has always seemed to me, gamefreak sells both games at the same price, now $60 on the switch, and doesn't do much to make the games unique besides version exclusives and the small changes they make to each game to fit those exclusives in. From my experience playing pokemon the biggest differences I remember are the teams in Ruby and Sapphire and the city or forest in Black and White. To me this doesn't warrant the spilt into two games and honestly just seems like an attempt to make the most money possible from the games through getting players to buy both games for all the exclusives. Thoughts?https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/c130ut/what_i_feel_is_gamefreaks_greatest_injustice_with/No shit you fucking doofus, you've been getting played this whole time