>>17612898>'Huh. She doesn't get sick often so she's never really taken this stuff a lot.'The bathroom door opens abruptly, and out steps Alice, drenched in water and clad in a bunch of towels, ripe for loli pandering to the repulsive scum on the other side.
"Hey poppy, guess what?"
Advil still in your hand, you turn to Alice, "Hm?"
"I 'jus took'a bubble bath!~" she announces with the biggest smile on her face, as if it's this big milestone accomplishment that she's hurdled over.
Just for judge's sake, you take a small whiff of her hair and in an instant, you pinch your nose and reel back, "Eugh, I can see that... And even then you still reek badly. Are you sure you're scrubbing right? What kind of shampoo are you using?"
I don't use shampoo, I don't like it when it gets in 'm eyes...""Figures..."
"Is mum-mum still sick?"
"Yeah, I was just about to give her some Advil, but I think she's too much of a /COWARD/ to try it out. In fact, I think she's so /COWARD/...ISH, that...SHE SHOULD RENAME HERSELF COWARD MCCOWARDSONPANTS...EMPHASIS ON COWARD."
Serena shuffles in the bed, not thinking much of your tease, "S-Say what you w-want, I-I'm still not t-taking it regardless. I'm p-pretty sure I can recover f-fully on my own, th-thank you very much.."
A) "It's just a fucking liquigel, it won't KILL you."
B) Pinch her nose.
C) Take her word for it. It's her funeral.
D) Properly sponge bath da loli.