>>11726639http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkiPJx7PBJIThe skies clear up.
"Is...is this really the end, Clara?" asks the now-completely old wanderer, his crinkled hands trembling. Pyreflies are beginning to escape from Clara's body, indicating her expiration now that the Lake trio are free.
"I...I suppose it is, Andrew."
"I don't want it to end this way, please don't let it end this way, Clara!"
Piece by piece, Clara's spirit uplifts itself from the vessel, "I think I may have a way for us to be together, but...I want you to know, that you won't ever be able to come back here."
"W-What? Clara, what are you talking about?"
"Please trust me, Andrew. I love you, and I wish to be with you, both in this life and the whatever comes after. Can you please just trust me?"
"I... I will, Clara. I'll do anything. Anything if it means I can be with you, I care not for how harsh or gruesome the procedure is, please, please, please don't let this be our end."
They give each other a soft smooch as the pyreflies reach Clara's face, "Take my hand." the fragile woman extends a ghostly blue arm to him, pyreflies all over it.
The woman is shedding Rosa's body as if it were a cocoon.