Hello /vp/,
Kori here; I've been asked to give away Meloetta.
And do not worry, everything (besides the IVs) is genuine (just in case anyone even cares).
I have 2 Boxes (60) of these girls to giveaway; I will be cloning one more box and once that happens I will no longer clone anymore.
So /vp/ after I have finished giving away all my Meloetta I will hand over my place to Annie who will be taking over my place.
>Type of pokeball: Cherish Ball>IVs: 5IVs (0 Attack IV) >Ability: Serene Grace>Item: Assault Vest>Moves: Psyshock, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball & ThunderboltOR
>Type of pokeball: Cherish Ball>IVs: 6IVs>Ability: Serene Grace>Item: Assault Vest>Moves: Psyshock, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball & Thunderbolt>Notes: I will only have 18 of these girls.Rules:
>Give me your IGN.>Leave your FC on your post to avoid confusion.>Stay online until I come online as well.>Wait patiently until you get your trade request.>Give me any shitmon you want.>Enjoy Meloetta>Why are you doing this giveaway:We are doing this to help some anons change their minds on /gg/ IRC or to raise awareness of the /gg/ IRC existence.
The /gg/ IRC isn't a "secret club" or anything, anybody is welcome and we're also happy to help those anons to the best of our ability.
If this giveaway has changed your mind in anyway please register on
https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.rizon.net/ then enter on channel #/gg/
Here is the guide if you get lost: