>>43863018I don't own the games, but here we go:
Hopes: The DLC does poorly for one reason or another, likely due to the fact that protests are the only things getting media attention right now. TPC ends up going full-throttle on the second DLC, then eventually makes a GOTY version that costs like $50 and includes all DLC. I then wait until a used copy for $40 is available, then maybe buy it.
Dreams: the fact it likely has zero black people in it finally hits home with the BLM shits and they #cancel the games and normalfags finally stop buying the games, and TPC puts some effort into the games to try to pull back the core fanbase.
Fears: People accidentally buying the DLC for the wrong version of Pokemon goads people into buying the other version, thus the sales for both the base games and the DLCs go through the roof. The franchise then goes from barely--almost-okay to actually, literally being a pile of fermented shit, as TPC suddenly decides to use all that extra profit for things like more kinds of merch or shifting the franchise to focus further on DLC and microtransactions, going straight-up EA.