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Alright everyone time to look at the story of a former Rocket Grunt
>Be me, 19 year old and poorer than dirt
>parents lost everything to that damned gambling corner in Celadon City and alcoholism.
>Shining shoes in Saffron cause its the only thing I have, Rattatas keep trying to eat the shoe polish while I'm sleeping in an alley.
>Tall man in a suit walks up to me and starts to laugh
"What's the idea here? Trying to shine shoes for a living? You need better aspirations than that boy."
>About to tell blue haired bastard off, but he pulls out a fat wallet
"This is what my job lets me get, I bet you want it don't ya? Nobody wants their shoes polished from a boy wearing torn up clogs"
>look down in shame
"Tell you what, my Boss is recruiting for people just like you, here's our card and some cash to get there"
>Team Rocket, location in Viridian city
>arrive at some small hose with a trap-door
>get orientated and decide to roll with it, not like I have a choice given its a mafia
FastForward two months
>get assigned to team with Abrasive Partner, mean but she can pull her own weight so idgaf
>finish training and get sent out to scam some chumps with rigged games
really don't like it
>Partner doesn't care about how I feel, says its harmless fun
FastForward a few weeks and I can't do it anymore
>open up to partner about gambling, expecting to get told to suck it up.
>she's oddly sympathetic, says we should ask for reassignment
>Rocket Advisor tells us to fuck off and get back to work
>carnival games don't even make money to get us motels consistently while sending money to Rocket HQ
>we get tired of camping out and eating beans and spam and decide to go directly to the boss