>>55514884what point is that? Because MY point that most people shitting on Johto now are either trolling, or talking out of their ass and pokefans are ignorant enough to fall for it due to being the region that's gone longest without a game.
Only thing your right about is that Johto has always received critic "Level Curve, Johto Pokémon in locked to Kanto, team rocket being lame, and babymons being a insulting waste of space", but most Johto fans never denied them and even fully admit and bring them up themselves. There were no conspiracy to silence Johto haters, no one heard them because they were in teh minority since the reception of Johto was overall positive when it was the average pokefan had played and remember it. Only after over a decade of Johto getting no games, most Johtofans growing out and the pokefanbase beign filled with people who dont even know what a "johto is, were trolls able to come along and exaggerate and twist Johtos flaws or flat out like to make like Johto look like complete garbage.
Look at this shit, imagine people complained about hoenn having "all that water but no water types" and pokefans fell for it, then got mad at Hoeenfans for correcting their stupidity.
>>55514991if "reddit" means correcting false information then I guess reddit is based.