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Don't know shit about the current meta, but I'll try
>Both get new abilities replacing Gluttony: Flapple gets Adaptability, Appletun gets Regenerator
>Both get Shell Smash thanks to Applin
>New stats: 75 HP(+5)/110 Atk/80 Def/50 SpA(-45)/70 SpD(+10)/105 Spe(+35)/490 BST(+5)
>New moves: Horn Leech, Stomping Tantrum, Rock Slide, Bug Bite, Aerial Ace, Agility, Swords Dance
>New stats: 110 HP/50 Atk(-35)/100 Def(+20)/100 SpA/100 SpD(+20)/30 Spe/490 BST(+5)
>New moves: Leaf Storm, Earth Power, Focus Blast, Taunt, Sleep Powder, Stun Powder, Toxic, Amnesia, Spikes