>>54344533>NPC model They changed it so the battler models are basically the same as overworld models. Not to mention Wally and Lysander show up as major characters at critical and cinematic points. in USUM they are cameos.
>WailordFair, but you also don't see the trainers in X&Y.
>cityDude, that is the equivalent to Paris. Nearly 1/5th of the country lives in the Pars metro area. They just went above and beyond for Lumiose.
>DexFair, but they tailored the pokemon that do show up. I'm mixed on it since there is the balance of having the full array of options verus getting creative with what you can get. I felt spoiled for choices in Kalos.
>no national dextrue, but at least not full dexit.
>fpsI just plum don't understand this, I've only noticed frame drops in games when like, it's borderlands 3 running on a 1080 and I can count the seconds between frames.
>3d functionality2Ds had been released and the 3d gimmick was getting worn out by then.
>Battle types.Sky battles were a bane to Pokemon animations for the next decade. Inverse was never properly capitalized. But the loss of Triple battle is felt. Royal is at least neat.
>online voice chatIt had online voice chat?