>>22412432https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPlhKP0nZII"METHOUGHT IT HEARD A VOICE CRY, 'SLEEP NO MORE'! Macbeth does murder sleep, the innocent sleep! Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care, the death of each day's life, sore labour's bath! Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course! CHIEF NOURISHER IN LIFE'S FEAST,--!"
You and Serena seem to have interrupted what appears to be a show. Actually, the entire chamber has undergone a startling redesign, one that makes it greatly stand out compared to the other chambers. It's turned into a full-blown theater, and the audience is packed.
A man in an iron suit is on-stage, though he is not alone in performing. An idol is with him, but not any idol you've ever seen before. No no, his partner is no adorable teenaged girl. But rather, a literal idol. A Pokemon, an idol head crossdressing to play the part of a female character.
The idol's voice--computer generated by a voice modulator.
"What do you mean?" the idol asks, the spotlight shines on the both of them.
"STILL IT CRIED! 'SLEEP NO MORE!' TO ALL THE HOUSE!" the knight exclaims, "'Glamis hath murder'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more--MACBETH SHALL SLEEP NO MORE!"
You're no theater wiz, but it seems like everybody in the audience is enjoying it. Even the waifu. She is caught by the same awe that embraces the others, a gripping tale about some guy and his bitch of a wife.
A) Interrupt the play.
B) Continue spectating.
C) "Wait, wha, you... like this?"