Considering releasing my story chapter-by-chapter at this point
I've gotten to the part in Chap 2 where everyone splits up to find the stairs, gonna write each team's perspective to pad it out (and so everyone gets more screentime), but at this rate it'll be a couple weeks before I have the story ready to post unless I do it in chapters
My only worry is deciding something for a later chapter that wasn't in the outline and would need a corresponding change to an already-published chapter
Once I finish writing 2, I'll probably go back and revise/edit both 1 and 2 and release them before moving to 3
>>53706315>Raging fist, ascend>Grasp the heavens and return>Slicing from above「Poultry Slam」
too tired to come up with a chuuni or alliteration name so you get a pun instead
come on anons, unleash your inner chuuni
the first step on the quest to being the best writer you can be is realizing cringe and kino are the trough and crest of the same wave. the safe shores of mediocrity hold no path to improvement. i am cringe, but i am free