I have
4IV Jolly Snubbull (5 Run Away, 1 Intimidate [Male])
4IV Adament Heracross (A ton, some are 5IV but with SP ATT.)
4IV Timid Riolu (Steadfast [One Male, One Female])
4IV Modest Espurr ( Three females, one of each ability,one male infiltrator)
4IV Bold Slowpoke (Only one Belly Drum female, oblivious[ran out of regenerators])
4V Calm Goomy ( One Female Gooey, A Male and Female Hydration)
4IV Adamant Scyther ( 9 mixed genders 8 are Technician)
4IV Careful Phantump (One female with Natural Cure [Out of Harvest])
I also have a 31/31/31/31/31 Jolly Intimidate Snubbull (f)
If anyone is interested in anything feel free to make an offer.
>>16143608>>16144219Do you guys want anything for one of those Noibats?