>>34755433I use GIMP 2 to make my templates
I don't want the template to be too messy or cluttered, so I use simple shapes and pictures.
I also arrange the template in a way that is easy to look at. I find it kinda hard to look at someone's template with shit all up everywhere on the thing. It's not a bad thing, that's entirely my own opinion.
Right now, this is mine
>>34754961I'm using a simple background color to show what game I'm playing (Silver). I usually put an actual picture in the background (pic related)
Some people like to draw out their templates, which I find really really endearing and unique, not to mention, it gives the thread more life.
>>34753155 >>34751005 >>34753993Mostly everyone includes their Party Pokemon, Boxed Pokemon, and Dead Pokemon. But you can add other things like this anon did with the title of the game and the rules he is following.
>>34752582And some anons like to include their progress of their run with screenshots in their template
>>34734728 or just use funny pictures or gifs (pic related again)
You can also use the premade templates from the link in the OP
But if you want to make your own, don't worry if it's good or not. Just make one you like!