>>50825928To be fair, gamefreak wanted that fantasy world too. The turn based RPG was a product of it's time, when the games couldn't fully realize their vision. Since then, it is now possible to make that vision a reality, but Gamefreak was too afraid to mess with what had already worked for them beyond minor QOL or gimmicks. The series, in it's fear of change, has stagnated. Technology has evolved, but ironically, pokemon hasn't. Now it's refusal to move past it's roots is causing a gradual but inevitable bleed which will eventually end the series as old fans slowly dwindle and no new ones are made. To survive, pokemon must let go of it's mold. it's game design is a shackle holding back an unstoppable behemoth of a world with near endless possibilities. It only needs to be set free from the prison of gamefreak and their dated, methodical ideas of what pokemon should be. Hidden deep within the souless assembly line of rehashes and cashgrabs that is this franchise is the potential for the greatest game ever made, and we will likely never see it.