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The furry fandom appeals to minors in the same way cigarettes used to. Everyone has seen Warner Bro's or Disney's anthropomorphic animals. They are sweet and endearing. A child will be drawn to this due to the nostalgia. Most animals in Disney and Warner Bro's cartoons (with the exception of Lola Bunny) are not designed in a way to be sexually attractive to humans. There are furries who do not draw their fursonas in perverted situations, however, should this kid go and google "furry" the 2nd result is pornography and they are faced with a lot of sexual imagery.
If I google any other fandom I will not get nearly as much pornography or sexual imagery. Why? Simply because of the fact that most fandoms do not revolve around sex the way the furry fandom does. Most fandoms do not create pornography at the rate that the furry fandom does. Most fandoms do not spam said pornography all over the internet. They act out on purpose or for attention. Furries often replace the words "hands" or "feet" with the word "paws." Why do they do this? If you speak to a normal person in this manner they will probably think you are strange and not want to speak to you.
Furries publicly announce the fact that they are furries and proud of it. You do not see people with other obscure fetishes announce that they are into vore and proud or into feet and proud. They typically keep those sorts of things to themselves and they avoid being ridiculed that way. At times it seems like the furries act out on purpose, like they want someone to "fursecute"them so they have something to complain about. 87.5% of furries are white 78% of furries are located in North America. They often equate the bullying they receive with the Holocaust, with slavery or with hate crimes committed against LGBT people. It truly shows the ignorance these people have. To my knowledge there has never been an actual hate crime committed against a furry.