Angie. Trainer class, faithful servant.
Not sure if I've posted them usic used for gym leaders, but this is it: remix of Johto's gym leader music.
We fight in a frozen field, the same we've been encountering wild pokemon in. From the readme:
* Grounded Pokemon increase Speed when using the following moves
All attacking, physical-contact priority moves
Stacking Shot Rollout Steamroller Defense Curl
* Ice type attacks have a double chance to freeze
* Ice moves increase in base power x1.5
* Fire moves decrease in base power x0.5
* Rock type attacks deal additional Ice type damage
* Burn damage is halved
* The following moves will transform this field into regular cave:
Heat Wave Flame Burst Lava Plume Eruption
Searing Shot Fire Pledge
* The following moves will terminate this field effect:
Earthquake Magnitude
* Hail lasts for 8 turns
* Activates Ice Body and Snow Cloak
* Refrigerate's base power boost becomes x1.5 (from x1.3)
* Nature Power becomes Ice Beam
* Camouflage changes the user's type to Ice
To make the shittiest type in the game viable, a lot of buffs are given. Fire and rock are essentially made useless against ice for differetn reasons.
I open with Breloom while she opens with Weavile. One mach punch later, Weavile is KO'd and I gain a speed boost.
I proceed to spore and punch everything that comes my way, until Froslass ends the party. Spore misses thanks to Snow cloak and It takes a team effort to bring it down. Maud is quickly brought back with a revive and destroys the rest of her team.
Note that the field means Angie doesn't have to carry an Abomasnow, a huge team liability, to get the benefits of Hail. Fucking bullshit.