>>53510149The protagonists are always too silent and goody-two-shoes
I want one who speaks their mind and has a lot to say. We have had many self-inserts, I want a character driven by their own ideals instead who might not always do or say things we agree with.
Dark Matter and Bittercold were interesting experiments but I think saving them as the final reveal with little way to know what they are ahead of time was the wrong call. These fantastical, unexplained elements should be sprinkled throughout the story instead to create a more unique, surreal atmosphere.
The relationship between the protagonist and their partner has always been a driving part of the story, and there have been moments where they are mourning the player that tug at our heartstrings, the sight of a genuine friend not wanting to lose us. I think this should be inverted, and something grave should happen to the partner early on, the rest of the plot being our journey to save them.
Finally, although the gameplay is fine, I think it would be interesting if it could be modified so that it feels more like you are taking part in the action instead of simply giving out commands. Perhaps some sort of input that affects how well you fare when giving and recieving attacks during boss battles, like the Action Commands of the Mario & Luigi series, to make them feel more intense
YIIKémon: a PostModern Dungeon