>>44442087Only Hydreigon, I have never used a bagon to beat Hoenn and getting a Ttar is impossible unless you wait a lot in HGSS, at that point I'll just used good ol Graveler or Rhydon if I want a rock type.
I blazed through SS and had 3 shiny encounters, Oddish, Natu, hippopotas my team was already half shiny at that point even after taking out my inteleon I had no space for dreepy.
I didn't miss the cave in Sinnoh, I just went through it without encountering gible, and even to this day I'd rather train anything else than go through its awkward movepool.
Hydreigon is cool, challenge mode gives it enough time and exp to be used in a normal playthrough and it's easy to find in the drudigon cave.