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>what it did right
better battle mechanics than previous games, good balance changes
writing wasn't nearly as cringe as usual, and actually pretty good at times
all of the area zero storyline
some trainers genuinely could be challenging and had good coverage moves
pretty good OST
feels like levels for trainers/bosses scale well with your own team as you progress further
better character design i.e. as many porn tropes as possible
>what it did wrong
performance, bugs, etc. are pretty inexcusable considering PLA was genuinely more polished and wasn't even a mainline game
completely abandoning all of the nuances of catching mons that they had in PLA, such as baiting mons with items, or throwing a ball before you start a battle
game implies that you can do whatever in any order you choose but levels don't scale so you basically have to either grind to do the late-game stuff first or play everything in order anyways
amount of mons feels underwhelming
school/classes are completely pointless outside of getting random items and a meowth
lack of customization options for clothing outside of just accessories
gyms, e4, rival fights are generally piss easy considering no one uses healing items/held items anymore
>is it good
solid 5 or 6/10