https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxDInu6wOYg"AND SO, the mere conscious of our poor Calem was accidentally strewn throughout the Stratoscape as a result of his messy butterfingers, causing him to land in the wrong universe that only sort-of LOOKS like his universe except with a degree of personality not found within games, OF COURSE, poor Calem, forever cursed, DOOMED to LIGHTLY trod the black asphalt culdesacs of an unknown Earth with a devoted woman at his side, UNTIL THE NTR PROPHECY OCCURS ONCE MORE, and the scientist boy gets to grip a handful of nice stockinged thighs. A FATE SLIGHTLY BETTER than what could have been, alas the poor child, whisked away to the land of baseball bat-wielding youngsters with psychic powers, in which his ultimate destiny would be to be forgotten by those that create him, with a future delegated to that of being an unlocalized title for a now dead handheld. THAT NOBODY CARES ABOUT."
"What was the lesson of this tale, you ask? Simple, NEVER. ASK. THE WRITER. ABOUT WHAT-IFS."
"As for the chapters that follow, our cliffhanger will finally be resolved now that the suffering of this out-of-canon narrative has come to an end. As for the tone of the next coupling of wretched chapters, expect more depression, suffering, and a drought of incredibly dumb gags, ninety percent of which are references to things you yourself have not witnessed first-hand to get."
"WILL CALEM WIN THE SERENA AS THE SHOUNEN ANIME BOY DOES THE BITCHY CAKE WIFE? WILL CALEM EVER RETURN TO HIS UNIVERSE? WILL THE EVENTS OF THIS CHAPTER EVEN BE DISCUSSED PASSED THIS POINT? NONE of these questions will be answered next time, we shall simply go back to where we are and pretend it didn't happen."
The end. Go home. Please."