>>33422834>region is incredibly small; it's downright claustrophoic>region is linear as fuck>exploration is basically dead; little to no interesting locations to explore, and any location that could be interesting is extremely limited or just a showpiece>in addition most areas are barebones and there's very few areas that deviate from the main path>few towns and even fewer cities, but there's not enough routes to make up for it either>despite being a network of islands, there's few to no water routes, and you can't swim between the islands>too many empty buildings; towns suffer the most from this>thanks to this, the region isn't populated at all: lowest region population since FRLG>areas on the map you can't even access>paved roads appear from nowhere and lead to nowhere, with no real purpose for their existence>makes you question why there's even cars on the island if you can walk from one end to the other in 5 minutes tops>roadblocks everywhere>most of the areas feel bland or generic, or show promise but then fail on executionIt's really disappointing, too, because Hawaii as a region has a lot of fucking potential, but it's just wasted here. Honestly, the main reason I think USUM is going to suck is because the region itself needs a massive overhaul for the game to be good, and, well, we know that's not happening.